
You're an Outdoor's Enthusiast

Sometimes you'll be enthusiastic about the indoors and that's ok but it's the outdoors where you shine, high on the moors getting action finding lines drinking tea/coffee and doing knots

You're a Hot Ticket

And a Hot Stepper. You set the pace, you're in control and you're a right proper catch. You know it and other people know that you know it

Serious Player

You probably play the Hammond Organ or know someone who has a Moog Synthesizer. You have also listened to Jazz Music before

You Sail Close to The Wind

You're a risk taker, you stand up for your Brothers and Sisters and you like sticking it to The Man. You've had parking fines and don't always pay tips. You're high performance and dangerous

You're Big City Material

You travel, you listen to the latest music (Drill, Cuban Latin Fusion, Jazz and Rap) you're an Up-town, Down-town jet setting winner. You're also a Tiger, hell nahhh it's a Jungle out there but you do the walk in Style

The Game Choose You

Your Mum says take care out there, you smile and shrug a little, a small piece inside you asks questions but the calling, calls. Your Mum knows the game chose you

Outdoor's Enthusiast

Raw Styles for the stone cold modern despatcher. Hot shit and ready to pounce.

Indoor's Enthusiast

Drinking Tea, listening to Drill, stretching limbs in Yoga and preparing minds for the next 'gym' or 'walling' session. You are now ready